Whistleblower attorney Joel D. Hesch received a rare honor by being cited in a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court as a “FCA expert and veteran FCA litigator.” The brief was filed by counsel for a whistleblower asking the Supreme Court to overturn a lower court’s ruling regarding a defense raised by a company accused of violating the False Claims Act (FCA) by cheating Medicare and Medicaid. The brief also quoted Joel Hesch and asked the high Court to adopt Joel’s proposed standard for the correct interpretation of whether and how government knowledge may defeat a fraud allegation.
After working for over 15 years with the Civil Fraud Section of the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., which is the nationwide office that administers the False Claims Act reward program, and helping the government recover nearly $1.5 billion in the process, Joel Hesch realized he could serve as a powerful advocate and ally for whistleblowers looking for justice. Armed with the knowledge and experience he gained while working for the Department of Justice, Hesch founded The Hesch Firm LLC in 2006. Since then, The Hesch Firm has been a staunch nationwide advocate for whistleblowers in their fight against government fraud and helping them file for rewards. Joel Hesch has filed three briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court, written two books, and authored numerous law review articles published in legal journals. He has also been cited and quoted by a Forbes magazine article relating to the False Claims Act (FCA) and the government’s whistleblower reward programs.
Since leaving the Department of Justice’s whistleblower reward office, Joel Hesch has been exclusively representing whistleblowers nationwide for reporting fraud and filing for rewards. Altogether, the government and private False Claims Act (FCA) cases Joel has worked on has resulted in over $275 million in whistleblower rewards paid to whistleblowers for reporting fraud against the government.
Joel Hesch will continue in his mission to vigorously fight to uphold whistleblower rights and protections, and to help whistleblowers receive the rewards they deserve.